Tuesday 14 September 2010


I am really glad to say that the renovation and repair work on my house is now up to speed.  The worker that Mr Chong, the head of maintenance department at Kar Sin, was waiting for me when I reached my new house at 8.05 a.m.  He had come before 8.00 this morning.  Once I showed him all the defects, he started work.  Even Luqman agreed with me that some of the workmanship was bad.  He was a fast worker and I saw that in no time he had scraped off all the uneven bits in one room. 
The tile workers came at 9.00 a.m. and promptly started work on the remainder of the tiles.  Yeesss!!!  I can rest a lot easier now.  I even managed to fall asleep at 2.00 p.m. last night after entering all the English Language trial examination marks for my students online.  I am sure that my blood pressure would be back to normal once the grills and electric gadgets are installed.

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