Friday 10 September 2010


I am thinking about inviting the Kuan Yin or Avalokitasvara Bodhisattva into my new home as She has always been the Bodhisattva in Buddhism that I feel the most connection.  Kuan Yin is highly revered as the principle of compassion, mercy and love by the Buddhists and Taoists.
I went with my mum to a few prayer paraphernalia shops in Ipoh this morning to look at some of the figurines of Kuan Yin.  So far I have three that I like.  The price for the Kuan Yin statue in the first picture (middle one) is RM138.  The Kuan Yin statue that I like in the second picture is the in one pink robes at the far right.  The price is RM980.  The third statue that I am considering is the one in pink robes, third from left.  I know the boss and he is willing to offer me a price of RM260.  I don't think I will buy the RM980 statue as it is not within my budget. 
Now I will be contemplating the whole night which Kuan Yin to invite to my new home.  Any suggestions?


Unknown said...

Hello Ms Cheah, I was told when choosing a statue of Guan Yin to worship at home, it should be in sitting position. This rules apply to statue of other deities as well. Statue of standing deity are for temple or business premises. Reason is because home is a place where one would sit on the sofa and relax most of the time. Therefore, it's not too good when the deity that we respect is standing while we sit back and relax. So I was told, I'm not too sure about this. As for me I think respects and prayers comes from the heart. Just my 2cents. Cheers

Miss Cheah said...

Thanks for sharing what you know Jeremy. I really appreciate that.