Thursday 9 September 2010


I am pictured with the former principal of my school, Puan Siti Arfah Ibrahim.  She retired on the 1st of September this year.  On the very day we bid farewell to her, the school was informed that a new principal had already been appointed to replace her.
Puan Siti was appointed principal of the school in 2004, the year that I went on study leave to read for my masters degree.  I only met her a few times during my two years away from school and only got to know her really well when I came back after completing my studies in April 2006.
In the four years that I have been working with her as commander in chief of the school, she has earned my respect for her work ethics and her integrity.  She is very motherly but then at the same time she has nerves of steel and has managed to steer our school towards excellence. 
I will really miss my Puan as she has been a pillar of strength to me - a great source of inspiration and someone I hold in high esteem.
I am not sure how the new lady principal will be like.  Perhaps, she too would be a great principal but then to me and my friends, there is only one Puan Siti and we all will be missing her presence and her guidance.

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