Sunday 12 September 2010


As a teacher, I have received a fair number of clocks from my Muslim students and friends during my career so far.  As a Chinese, I know that it is taboo to give or receive clocks as in Cantonese giving a clock is "sung chung" which is homophonous to bidding goodbye to someone on his/her deathbed.  As I have mentioned, I have received my fair share of clocks as gifts and so far I am still around. 
This morning, I bought another clock for my new house from the Cottage Collection shop.  My friend, Lai Yoong, had asked me to choose a gift and then give the receipt to her but then I won't be giving her the bill  for the clock as somehow I want it to be ultra auspicious for me to move into my new house.  I want to live long enough to finish paying the house loan before I make my exit from this world.  By the way, I took a 30 year government loan.

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