Sunday 12 September 2010


-- 9 Tips for Reading the Environment
by Katryn Weber

Good feng shui has a number of definitions. It includes everything from good landscape layout, auspicious topography that includes mountains, lakes, or oceans, and good design, including auspicious or inauspicious shapes, harmonious arrangement of elements, and a host of other factors.

But did you know that good feng shui can also include very subtle environmental clues, too? It's true.

For instance, have you ever walked into a home or office and felt uncomfortable at once? Or, perhaps your children became unruly or your baby started to cry. These are all signs that the feng shui of the space is not right.

When do you want to observe signs? Important times might include...

...when you are searching for a new home to buy

...when you are making an important decision

...when an important event is about to take place (birth of a child, moving, marriage, funeral, promotion, graduation, etc.)

...when you are beginning a new endeavor (marriage, starting a business, etc.)

Where do you look for signs?

These can be out your window, hanging on the walls, on the radio, on the television...almost anywhere. So, stay attuned to what you see and encounter in an environment for an intangible feng shui "stamp of approval."
What are some examples of good signs?

1. Happy children.
Children who are laughing and giggling are excellent signs. If children play around a house you are interested in buying this is an excellent sign. Cooing, happy babies are especially good signs - as is pregnancy!

2. Rain.
When you are considering a financial move or starting a business and rain begins to fall, this is a very excellent sign, as water equals money in feng shui. A light, lovely rain is always a blessing and a good signal of prosperity. A rainbow is the resplendent symbol of rain, which is the unity of yin and yang.

3. Sunshine.
Sunshine breaking through clouds or trees is an excellent sign of good fortune. Sun streaming through windows (as long as it's not blinding) is another wonderful sign.

4. Plants.
When you see a plant blooming or trees and flowers doing very well, this is an excellent sign. If you are starting a business and see pictures of forests or vases of flowers, this is a very beneficial sign for your business. Look for plants that stand out, are blooming, or are especially beautiful - such as a large, magnificent oak tree.

5. Birds.
A flock of birds, a picture of a bird or birds, a lone hawk or falcon flying are all examples of excellent feng shui signs. Cranes, in particular, are thought to be good signs of both longevity and great fortune. White birds signal good health or bad situations turning better. Birds flying over a house or business bring good news of prosperity!

6. Wind.
When you arrive at a house you are interested in buying, does the rain stop and the clouds part and the wind begin to blow? Or, does a light breeze greet you as you step out of the door? These are all excellent signs. Light, comforting breezes are excellent feng shui and augurs good luck. Strong wind, however, blows away good luck.

7. Animals.
Are there any animals gathering close? Do you see a group of beautiful horses? Or, is there a toad hopping by? Happy, beautiful animals are harbingers of good news and good outcomes. Pay attention to the animal world at the start of any undertaking or when times are stressful. Even butterflies are considered excellent and wonderful predictors of positive outcomes. Cows are symbols of wishes coming true!

8. Fruits or flowers.
Do you see fruits or flowers? Are they fresh and beautiful looking? These are excellent signs of success and bounty, and can be real or in paintings. Pink flowers are considered good symbols of love, white flowers as symbols of good health and better times, yellow flowers are believed to be the best symbols of wealth, red as symbols of happiness. Do you have a flower bush that rarely blooms? Take note of what's happening in your life if it begins to bloom!

9. Heavenly visions.
Do you see certain religious symbols or elements? This can be taken as a sign of a stamp of approval of a higher order. Pay attention to symbols that you see that suggest spirituality. This can also include dreams. Pay attention to dreams, jotting them down each morning just as you wake, for clues about what's happening in your life.

Look around and see what shows up when you are confronted with a situation, such as making an important decision, such as buying a business or looking for a new house, when you need that cosmic "thumbs up." It might be right in front of you or flying overhead. Looking outside of ourselves for confirmation can be very powerful and affirming.

© K Weber Communications LLC 2002-2010

Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in classical Chinese feng shui. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more information and to receive her FREE Ebook "Easy Money - 3 Steps to Building Massive Wealth with Feng Shui" visit and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!

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