Monday 13 September 2010


Garlic Vine
My mum and her Pedilanthus plant
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow plant
There is a Chinese saying which goes "Fa Hoy Fu Kuai" which means when flowers bloom it is a sign of prosperity. Some websites on Feng Shui say that fresh flowers and plants bring a lot of positive wealth, romance and health energy to a home. If that is the case then my mum would be expected to reap in a fortune as the flowers in her garden are blooming. I am not too sure about the wealth and romance part but I do hope that her plants would bring a lot of good health for her.
By the way, I personally think that her plants are growing well is more a case of the tender loving care she gives to them and also the fertilisers that she uses.  So it is more a case of hard work than good luck.

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