Sunday 12 September 2010


The table that I have chosen for my new home shrine is white in colour but it has red and pink flower motives painted on the surface of the table and also the front.    For a while I was a bit worried about the choice of white background.   But then I did a search on prayer altars and found that there were pure white ones being used like the ones above.  Furthermore, most of the deities I worship are Buddhas and not those from the Taoist pantheon.  What a relief!
Anyway, I will be painting the wall pink where the altar will be placed and lining all the drawers with red paper.  Furthermore, the electric lotus candles will also be pink. 

Here are a few taboos for setting up home shrines.
  • The location for the home shrine must be bright.  If not a light must be installed.
  • The shrine must not directly face the toilet or a room door.
  • The home shrine must not be located by the side of a staircase.
  • It shouldn't be placed near the bed or positioned at the hall next to the headboard of the bedroom.
  • The house shrine should also not be placed directly with a T-junction, an alley or a protuding house corner.
  • It must not be set up in the middle of the house or should it be used as a divider for a large room.
  • The back of the altar must be against a wall.

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