Tuesday 3 August 2010


Believe it or not, there really are pink bananas.  Though I have never seen them sold at the supermarket. The scientific name for this plant is Musa velutina. The pink bananas are also known as Elvet pink Banana, Hairy Banana, Baby pink Banana and Guineo rosado.
The Pink Banana originates from India. It is a smaller tree compared to normal banana plants, growing only to around 4 to 5 feet tall. Unlike most banana trees, the Pink Banana Tree's fruits are covered with a velvety hair, and is self peeling as it ripens. While listed as an ornamental tree, the fruit is actually edible, however it is very seedy.

Pink bananas are correctly called musa velutina. These are also called fuzzy pink bananas, or velvet pinks. It has green and white variegated foliage and is inedible although very beautiful.

For more information, please visit:


Sidratul Muntaha said...

never seen pink banana but my dad have plant the red banana.
it's real n taste 'lemak - lemak manis'
i've made an entry about this red banana in my blog before.
in malay it's call as pisang sepit udang.

Miss Cheah said...

Yeah! I have seen red bananas too but not pink ones. Hope to get to see one and eat it.

rosyzatie said...

how does the fruit look like inside? make me think twice to eat tis kinda banana