Sunday 25 July 2010


 Street children prefer to make abandoned buildings their home rather than live under the rules of a welfare home

For the past week, I have been feeling utterly nervous and insecure about my accomodation situation when my landlord informed me that he had sold the house I was renting and told me to move out by the 30th of July.  Where was I going to find a house to rent for two or three months before I get the keys to my new house?  Where was I going to put my furniture and other belongings?  And today, I read about young people who are termed as street kids who prefer to live in abandoned and dirty buildings rather than return to the comfort of their own homes. Alternatively, WOMEN, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil had tried to coaxed them to live in welfare homes which they flatly refused.
Excuse me, they have decent homes or accomodation to go to.  Here I am worried sick about where to temporarily move to and there are young people out there who prefer to live in such squalor.  These young men and women need some people to knock some sense into their heads.
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