Thursday 10 June 2010


I first tried this nyonya dish about 4 years ago and loved it.  However the restaurant that had this dish in their menu charged quite a bit for each piece. 

Since then I have found a stall that sells this nyonya delicacy at a much more reasonable price.  I pay RM3.00 for a  plate of 6 Kuih Pie Tee or Top Hats which works out to 50 sen each.  Reasonable and affordable for someone like me who can finish all the Top Hats on my own without sharing with anyone. 

Though my mum and aunt are from a Peranakan or Straits Born family, they do not know how to make this snack.  Nevertheless, fear not as there is this thingy called the Internet which is a great source of information.

So for those of you who are interested to make your own Top Hats, you can mosey on to Rose's Kitchen to get the recipe.  As for me, I will just go to the stall near my house in Ipoh to have my fill of the Pie Tee.  Jangan Jealous!!!  Hu! Hu! Hu!


Mardhiah said...

i think at chicken rice shop also have this :D

Miss Cheah said...

Yeah! That was where I ate it. It's expensive there, isn't it?