Sunday 20 June 2010


According to Feng shui, the front door of the house should be made of wood and should not be see-through such as a glass front door.  Feng Shui experts say that a solid wooden main door is highly recommended to ensure safety and security.  In this way, people will feel more secure knowing there is a solid partition protecting them rather than just a piece of glass.  However, Malaysian houses all have grilles installed and so there shouldn't be any fear that security would be easily breached.
When I signed on the dotted line to buy my house, I was already aware that the front door was a panelled glass sliding door instead of a wooden one.  However, this is not something to worry about as the grill that I am planning to instal is rather solid.  Besides, I am going to hang musling plus thick curtains over the glass.  When I want light, I just need to draw the curtains to let the rays of sunlight enter.

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