Sunday 20 June 2010


Alamak! I noticed that the front door of my new house faces the toilet.  Aiyoh!  This is not good as far as Feng Shui is concerned. If the front door faces the toilet door directly then the Qi that enters into the house will be mixed with the negative Chi from the toilet.  In other words, the Yang Qi entering the house will be neutralized the Yin Qi from the toilet/bathroom.  Therefore, we should try to avoid positioning the toilet directly opposite the front door, even if this is at the end of a passage like in the case of my house.  Arghhhhh!!!  Why?  This is because this type position can lead to wasted opportunities and lost prospects, in our careers and finance.
In Feng Shui, the main door is the 'mouth' of the house and the type of chi that is brought into the house is distributed throughout.  How good or bad the Qi that comes in will have an effect on the health and fortune of the occupants.


As with most situations, I have a few solutions to overcome the problem.  Relief! 

Things that I can do:

  1.  I can relocate either the toilet door or the front door. But this is rather difficult since mine is a terrace house. 
  2. What I plan to do is to build a partition between the front door and the toilet door if it is not too expensive.  If not I will buy a beautiful screen to use as a partition.
  3. For those who are in the same boat as I am but are not going to try (1) and (2), they can keep the toilet door closed all the time so that what is inside cannot be seen.
  4. I am also thinking of hanging a beaded crystal curtain in the doorway to slow down the Qi.

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