Thursday 10 June 2010


I drove my mum to the temple in Tambun yesterday afternoon.  The moment we reached the entrance of the temple, we were greeted with birds.  Lots and lots of them.  It was feeding time and one of the volunteers at the temple was feeding grains to the birds.  The birds were used to the presence of humans and did not flinch when I took pictures of them.  It was fun having the birds flying around me and just snapping away.  The pictures I took would bear testimony of my experience.

According to Buddhism and Taoism, those who are kind to animals and offer food to them would be rewarded with merits.  From a Feng Shui point of view, inviting birds into our environment is like inviting good Qi (energy) and blessings from Heaven. In Feng Shui, birds are symbols of new opportunities and good luck. Feeding birds is a great way to increase the Qi of our surroundings and keep it from stagnanting. 
Feeding birds is good Feng Shui.  If one happens to see birds then it is a sign of good fortune and financial blessings. Since I was able to have the pleasure of being so close to the birds and see them feeding, I believe they will bless me with the fortunes from Heaven.
By the way, they were hovering around my car the whole time I was there.  Hmm ... lucky car number?

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