Thursday 10 June 2010


One of my favourite television shows is "Criminal Minds".  The way the members of the B.A.U. team piece together information and evidence to seek out the Unsub is so interesting.  They would usually be called upon to look for criminals who are serial rapists or murderers.
The suspect (in orange) showing the police officers his taxi

Fun though it is to watch the series but it is no laughing matter when we find that we have such a sicko right here in Malaysia.  Just in case you are not sure, I am referring to a serial rapist working as a taxi driver who preyed upon teenage girls.
The crime was unravelled following police reports by three secondary school girls that they had been raped and kept as sex slaves for almost a year, police went to work and arrested the suspect at a taxi stand.
The modus operandi of the suspect was that he preyed on at least six secondary school girls aged between 15 and 17 by waiting outside their schools for them to get into his taxi.  He would then pretend to have an emergency at home.  Once at his house in Taman Muda, Ampang, he would force the victims into his house and rape them. The rapist filmed the act and threatened to make the videos public if the girls told anyone about it.  He would later call the girls whenever he wanted sexual favours and used the recordings to threaten them.
Here are more articles on this case:

Aiyoh! What type of harm-sup loe (lecherous man) do we have working as cabbies?  I am sure the young girls would have gone through hell the time they were with him.  Thank goodness they had the strength and courage to report his evil deeds to the authorities.  Hopefully, he will be imprisoned for life.  Also help should be extended to the victims in the form of counselling and support.

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