Thursday 29 April 2010

FROM 7.30 A.M. UNTIL 5.45 P.M.

Ever wonder how a Media teacher spends her day in school?  Wonder no more.  Here is how I spent today. I had a class with the vocational students from 7.30 a.m. until 8.50 a.m.  As I had to come up with some notes for my debating team, I asked my boys to write me an essay. While they were going about writing the essay, I sourced for points for the motions, "Students should wear school uniforms to school" and "You can judge a man by his appearance".
My boys were angels today and they obediently did their work and gave me the time to get the extra information for the debate. 
At around noon time, the teachers and I counted the entries for a contest we ran in conjunction with Resource Centre Week.
All the while, my debaters were busy preparing for their debate tomorrow.  They were with Kamariah and me in the library from 8.50 a.m. until 2.30 p.m. 
I left school at 2.30 p.m. to go to the Video shop to buy a video for the screening of a movie.  This screening is one of the activities for the Resource Centre Week.
The screening for the movie was from 3.45 p.m. until 5.15 p.m.  By the time, my librarians and I packed up all the equipment and rearranged the chairs, it was already 5.30 p.m.  I finally left school at 5.45 p.m.
Now I have managed to squeeze some time in to do this blog.  Earlier I did the posts for the school blog.  After this I will go and buy dinner and then come back to prepare some notes for my debaters tomorrow.  That my dear visitors is a day in the life of Miss Cheah, the Media and resource centre teacher.

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