Tuesday 27 April 2010


-- The Mental Programming that Keeps You Broke
by Katryn Weber

Money is energy pure and simple.

This is one of the universal truths that is easy to dismiss because we have become programmed, whether through culture, family bias, or our own psychology, that money has "meaning" around it.

But the truth is that money is indiscriminate and moves, like electricity, independent of who flips the switch. Money doesn't care whose hand, wallet or bank account it lands in -- but people do.

Money also doesn't care if you're a righteous and moral person or if you're completely lacking in ethics and any scrap of integrity. That's how you can explain why some people get ahead financially who are simply awful people who would sell their mother for a buck.

Once we can get rid of the judgments and tapes we hold about money and become more comfortable, or at the very least, neutral, about money, then accumulating money becomes easier. And, even after you've used feng shui thoroughly in your home and business, it could be that the feng shui between your ears is holding you back.

An easy trap to fall into with money is the excuse trap.

When we overspend or are in a difficult situation, we justify and make excuses. Take full responsibility for your finances and earnings. That's easy to do and gets you out of the rut that keeps you trapped. How so?

Every time you make an excuse about money, you are laying the bricks in the wall of your financial entrapment. When you're accountable and confident about your actions, you magnetize yourself for money. More importantly, it creates a shift in your life.

But sometimes you need to get even deeper into your mindset to root out the beliefs about money that keep you financially trapped.

Below are some of the commonly held beliefs about money.

Ask yourself if any of these thoughts are holding you back. Print this list off and check all that apply. Write down any other ideas you have about money that are negative. Look at what you've written carefully and then decide whether these thoughts are helping you or hindering you.

__I'm not worthy of wealth

__My family isn't a "rich" family

__Money is not spiritual

__I'll probably just fail anyway

__But we can't afford nice things

__Rich people are greedy and dishonest

__If I'm successful, my friends will be jealous and stop liking me

__I'm no better than my parents, so I shouldn't make more than they did

__I might forget what's truly important and not like myself if I were rich

__Money is the root of all evil

__No one I know is wealthy

__Being wealthy is a dream

__Rich people invest their money, not average people

__I will never have enough money

__Wealthy people are liars

__No one in my family is rich

__Women can't be rich and be good mothers/nice women/good wives

__Money is hard to make

__I can't enjoy money

__Money is for saving, not enjoying

__If I live long enough, I might enjoy some of my money

__My family wouldn't like me if I were successful

__My spouse wouldn't support me if I became wealthy and successful

__I feel guilty having more than others

Now, what are you going to *choose* to believe?

You don't have to follow the old paradigm anymore.

Just admitting that you have these beliefs is helpful. But, if you find yourself resenting someone in a Mercedes (rich people aren't nice) or making negative statements about money (I guess I'm just like the other Smiths and can't save money), stop and correct yourself. Or, remain neutral (my favorite) and allow the thought to drift out of your head like a child's balloon sailing off into the sky.

Re-channel your negative thoughts and energy positively.

Start blessing your bills, your home, your savings account and anything related to money. If you can't be positive about money, then at least be neutral about it, especially when you pay bills. You'll begin to shift your personal energy -- and if you combine this with making changes around your house -- you'll give yourself extra oomph. By moving both at the same time, you will effectively compound the energy and create more monetary momentum.

Make it OK to want and expect wealth.

It's alright if you have more to spend because you can do more with your money. Let's look at the positives of having more money:

--You can support your favorite charities or causes

--You can start a foundation or endowment for animals, scholarships, the environment

--You can give more money away

--You can improve your health

--You can send money to political parties that support your beliefs

--You can save for the future

--You can help your family and friends

Article adapted from the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui Money Map.

© K Weber Communications LLC 2002-2010

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