Thursday 19 November 2009


If you have been following my posts, you would know that there was a break-in at my school library last Friday. Actually it was the second time that the place was broken into within a space of a couple of weeks. In the study of Feng Shui, we believe that negative energy is left behind after unpleasant incidents like quarrels, burglaries or other forms of violence.
One way to get rid of the negative Qi is by using the sound cure. A burst of sound can bring in new Qi and clean out negative energy. Traditionally, feng shui sound involves ringing chimes, gongs or bells. Nowadays, the sound fronm alarm clocks and telephones can be utilised as well.
This afternoon, I used the sound cure for my library. I started ringing the bell in the centre of the library and then got Sharveen to go round the whole place and ring the bell so that the sound could diffuse the bad energy.
Hopefully, there would be no more break-ins after this.

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