Friday 20 November 2009


I sprained my arm some months ago and the injury kept recurring after some time. What I did was to take prescription medicine from the Pharmacy for them. No doubt the pain would go away but then I seem to sprain my right arm again each time I lift or pull something very heavy. Also I noticed that my right arm was not as strong as it used to be. That got me worried. Furthermore, my astrological forecast said that I needed to seek treatment for an ailment that was bothering me if not I would regret it in future.

As I did not wish to lose the use of my right arm in future, I decided to get some help. Last week I went to Mr Cheong Su Gi, a traditional massage therapist. Mr Cheong has been honing his trade for more than 30 years. It was passed down from his own father. After the first treatment, my arm felt stronger and I no longer ached if I lifted something heavy. However, the treatment did not end there. I need to go for a few more massages before I fully recover. For your information, Mr Cheong uses massage oil that he himself makes from herbs that are planted in his own garden. Unfortunately, the oil is not for sale.

As can be seen from the above photographs taken by Kamariah, it wasn't really an pleasurable experience being massaged by Mr Cheung. However, after the pain, I felt much better and my arm also felt stronger. He also gave me some herbal tablets to take to aid the Qi flow in my body to help speed up recovery. I will be going again next week. Maybe, I will bring Haji Hasnin along with me as he seemed rather interested when I told him about this traditional masseur.

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