Thursday 19 November 2009


I learnt how to make this simple dish today. It is really easy to do. All one needs is to buy cucumber, sengkuang, pineapple and chillies (we forgot this ingredient and that is why it is not in the picture).

1 cucumber
1/2 a pineapple

1 sengkuang
1 Red chilli
1 Green chilli
2 tbsp of grounded peanuts (fried without oil)
1/2 a bottle of chilli sauce
1/2 a bottle of tomato ketchup
Sugar and salt to taste

1. Peel and cut cucumber, sengkuang and pineapple.
2. Pound or ground the fried peanuts/groundnuts.
3. Place the cut pineapple, cucumber and sengkuang into a big mixing bowl.
4. Pour half a bottle of tomato ketchup and half a bowl of chilli sauce into a bowl.
5. Add salt and sugar and then mix.
6. Add in the grounded peanuts.
7. Pour the mixture into the bowl of cucumber, sengkuang and pineapple.
8. Mix thoroughly.
9.Tada ... the jelatah is ready. I said it was easy, didn't I?

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