Saturday, 1 November 2008


So far there is no concrete evidence from research of the benefits of antioxident vitamins contained in our veges and fruits. Proof or lack of it should not deter us from continuing to eat the greens and fruits as we know that they are good for us.
Maize or corn is an appetizer
The broccoli contains high levels of carotene which helps to prevent cancers and heart diseases
Cucumbers refresh out bodies and can be used to treat headaches
The leaves, flowers and roots of the starfruit or carambola are very nutritious
Grapes help the system to produce collagen and acts as a diuretic
Avocadoes are said to help lower the sugar level and cholesterol in our blood

Can be used for deworming purposes and also to reduce fever in children

Bitter melons can be used as a tonic, cure for stomach aches and eye problems
The suphur content in cabbages can help prevent tumours

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