Sunday 23 December 2007


I must share an article I read in the Sunday Star this morning. It is written by T. Selva, the Star's Sunday Metro Editor, and goes by the above title. He was writing about letting go of the negativity of our past year and having a fresh start for 2008. Selva says "Our unpleasant past retards our thinking power, makes us weary, drains our energy, suppresses our happiness and makes us dull and withdrawn. He advises us to:
  • shut the doors of our past and free our minds from our indefinite future and concentrate on our current work efficiently.
  • exercise gentleness and positiveness because having such attitudes would make our minds happy even under challenging circumstances.
  • not hold on to pain or hurt but let go because hanging on to it makes the pain last longer thus causing greater damage to ourselves.

Here are the tips given by T.Selva:

Tips on inner cleansing

  • Find a quiet spot or sacred space in your house.
  • Sit comfortably on the floor or chair facing east.
  • Close your eyes and drop your shoulders and take a deep breath.
  • Hold on to your breath for a few seconds.
  • During the process gather all the impurities inside you and exhale forcefully.
  • During your exhalation, imagine that all your negativeness and past is flushed out.
  • Do the breathing our exercise several times until you get a feeling of ease inside you.
  • Next, inhale fresh air a few times and start a new life.

Exterior Cleansing

Take some salt and rub the soles of your feet with it. Dispose of the salt. Next, take another scoop of salt and dissolve it in a pail of warm water. Bathe with this water. Do this once or twice a week. This process will reduce your tension and enhance your aura.

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