Monday 3 December 2007


I went to one of the floral shops in Sitiawan to meet my friend, Puan Khairah. She had wanted me to go and help her choose some flowers for the Quality Room of our school. She was already at the shop when I reached the place. The first thing she commented was that I looked prettier after the accident. In most cases people would look tired and haggard. Well, for that compliment I treated my friend and her little daughter to lunch.

Coming back to the topic of me looking better (ahem!!!). No I did not go and have any work done on my face. I just go for the normal facial like most ladies. It must be because I have had enough sleep since this is holiday time. So instead of sleeping 3 -4 hours a day, I get to sleep 6 - 8 hours. That does make a difference.

There is however another reason that might be the cause of me looking more attractive in my friend's eyes. To me, I think it could be the charity work that I was able to do during the holidays. Time and again, I have been told by my feng shui teacher and elders that if we do charity, our outer appearance would also look good. Well, judging by the photographs I took of myself with my cellphone camera, do you think that I have been a good girl?

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