Wednesday 5 December 2007


I bade farewell to my fifth formers today. The boys and girls had sat for their last paper and this would mean that their school days have officially ended. They now have to wait until around March to find out how they did and then decide what to do with the rest of their lives.
As I had mentioned about yuen fen or destiny in the last post, I would like to touch on the subject a bit more.
You see it is this destiny that brought all these boys and girls into my life. They were from all parts of Malaysia. We met, we got to know each other and today we had to say goodbye. I know that it would not be easy for us to see each other often as we would be in different places and our interests are not the same anymore. My boy, Fydo, was feeling really sad today as he came and met me at the school library. I know I would miss him very much as he came and helped me every afternoon in the library. No doubt, it is his duty as a librarian to do so, he not only came when he was on duty but also when he was not.
The pictures above were taken when the last few boys and girls were waiting for their parents to come fetch them from the hostel to go back to their respective hometowns. I don't really like to say goodbye. I think the Chinese greeting of chai chien or till we meet again is better. I would want to meet my boys and girls again and see how they are doing. See more pics of my students in the slide show below.

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