Wednesday 6 June 2007


To the Chinese, a birth in the family signify a red occasion. My family welcomed the latest member to our family when my godsister, Sophie, gave birth to her second child last month in Kuala Lumpur. The baby girl is named Jamie Lee. The pictures above were taken with my mum, Aunt May and her hubby uncle Gan, Sophie and her hubby Tze Chuan, Jamie and James at a restaurant in Ipoh on Sunday.
According to the annual prediction for my horoscope in a Chinese feng shui book that I read, I would stand to benefit if there is a birth in my family. So the birth of baby Jamie must certainly be really auspicious for me. I am waiting for good things to happen. Anyway if nothing really auspicious happens, I already feel truly blessed as I have another niece to love and play with.

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