Friday 1 June 2007


Yesterday, my friend Lai Yoong and I went to two Feng Shui shops in Ipoh. Lai Yoong is in town for the Super IV games. She is the assistant coach cum chaperone for the Manjung district badminton team. I brought her to the Ipoh branch of Wofs (World of Feng Shui) in town. As she said that she wasn't feeling too well the shop assistant suggested that she get a crystal bracelet for health.
The next shop I brought her to was located at Yik Foong Complex. There the manager of the shop informed her that as she was born in the year of the horse, the sheep was one of her allies. She was also told what animal signs were bad for her. Well, unfortunately, my animal sign clashes with hers.
This is one of the things that I don't really like as it can cause a rift in relationships. Let me tell you that my late maternal grandfather, my late father, my nephew and a few of my closest friends belong to this particular zodiac sign. I got on famously with each and everyone of them and none of them have been bad for me. I have heard of cases where parents have given away their children because some fortune tellers predicted that misfortune would befall them if they kept these offsprings. This really angers me. Hopefully, people should not go overboard with their beliefs. I must also mention that the zodiac allies and enemies that are listed are very general. One really has to get ones BaZi calculated to find out which signs are compatitble and which are not. Also, if after the calculation, one happens to find that a loved one or a close friend belong to a sign that is not compatible then take the BaZi reading with a pinch of salt. To me what really matters is how one feels about someone.

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