Wednesday 13 June 2007


At the beginning of the year when the soothsayers and Feng Shui masters present their analyses about the yearly horoscope of the animal signs, there would be those signs that would be very lucky for a certain year and also other signs that would have a bad year. Sometimes, the yearly predictions may include mishaps and bloodshed. One way to overcome or to lessen this bad luck would be to do benevolent deeds such as donating to charity, helping the needy, donating blood and other acts of kindness.
There is a Chinese saying which loosely translated means "a benevolent family is a blissful one". There is actually a merit system for doing good deeds. The more we do, the more merit points we get. Consequently, we would be rewarded with wealth and bliss for whatever good we have done. Also, one must remember to do good deeds for the sake of doing them and not to boost ones popularity or image.

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