Sunday 10 June 2007


This is one method I must really try as I don't seem to be able to accumulate wealth. Now with inflation and all the other stuff, I am worried that when I retire I might not have enough in my little nest egg to live comfortably in my twilight years.
The things one need for this wealth accumulating method are a bowl (any type but preferbly a large one) and a piece of red paper.

  • On a piece of red paper, write the Chinese characters which carry the meaning a bowl for storing wealth. See the picture above for the Chinese characters to write.

  • When you have written the characters on the paper, place it in the bowl that you have prepared.

  • Place the bowl in a place in your house that is not in public view.

  • Each working day, you are to put into the bowl any extra coins you have left.

  • Keep on putting the extra coins for 3 consecutive weeks before bringing the coins you have collected in the bowl to the bank to exchange for currency in the form of notes.

  • You are to carry the notes with you in your wallet or purse.

  • It is said that in no time wealth will be flowing in.

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