Friday 22 June 2007


A visitor with the moniker "Spring" left messages in the chatterbox asking me about using charms to activate children luck and also using feng shui methods to create harmony in a working environment.
I actually wrote a book titled "Red Occasions" last year about occasions that the Chinese deem auspicious: marriage, birth, birthdays, moving into new houses and business premises. I did a lot of research for the book as I wanted to share the richness of my culture with everyone. Unfortunately, the book has not been published yet. The management of the publishing firm told me that they would have it out in the market somewhere in February but until now it is still not out yet. I checked my Chinese zodiac for the year and true enough there is indeed one unlucky star that will cause a lot of delays in my undertakings. Also this is not a good year for me so I will just have to bide my time.
Many of the methods that I wrote about are not the conventional ones mentioned in feng shui books and sites as I had gotten them from my godmother and some of the golden girls that I had interviewed at the senior citizens club. However, I am sorry to say that I can't publish them here yet as I did sign an agreement with the publisher and might be contravening some publishing rights if I do so. Usually, you will find that feng shui books and masters would advise childless couples to sleep in a certain position based on ones kua number to maximise the chances of getting a baby. Some masters would advise putting stuff like pomegranates and other baby activators in the west sector of the house to up the chances of conceiving. Buddhists and Taoists would go to temples to pray to Buddha and other deities to bless them with babies. Also there are paper charms for it. Also ones Ba Zi or date and time of birth would govern whether we are fated to be parents. The above picture is of me and my month-old niece, Jamie. Believe it or not, I already knew that I would be an aunt even before my godsister conceived as according to my Chinese zodiac there would be a birth in my family this year.
Personally, it is my belief that if one is not fated to have any children then all the amulets, charms and feng shui activators in the world would not work their magic. Babies are gifts from heaven! Please read the real-life short stories that I am going to publish in the next post.
I will be posting an article about how to create a peaceful and harmonious working environment on Sunday. I need to go back to Ipoh to consult my sifu first before I write about it. So, if Spring is reading this, please be patient.

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