Thursday 7 June 2007


I actually have more wealth luck enhancing methods to share with everyone but I have to keep them for Sunday as I need to go back to Ipoh tomorrow morning due to some family obligations that need to be fulfilled.
This mid-year break has been a very busy one for me. First my mum went for her cataract operation and I had to be around for her. Also I had to help look after my nephew James and niece Jamie who came back from Kuala Lumpur. Their mother is still in confinement after giving birth to Jamie who is a month old. Their grandma, my Aunt May, is also not feeling well and has to undergo and operation soon. So, it is up to Auntie Lina to help mind the little ones. So if there is no news until this Sunday, don't worry too much as you know I have my hands full being a nanny. I actually had to bring my nephew James to the school library with me on Monday and he had a gala time running around the place. Believe me, one does not need to go to a slimming centre or go on diet to lose weight and keep fit. They just need to look after him. My nephew who is one year and eleven months old is very, very active and boisterous.
Anyway, I don't mind looking after them as they are very precious to me. The children and their mum will be moving to Shanghai at the end of the year. My godsister's husband has been transferred there. As a matter of fact he is in Shanghai now. And that is why I will also be visiting Shanghai either at the end of this year or the beginning of next year as I want to be with them. Hopefully, my nephew Jeremy doesn't decide to study in Australia after he completes his SPM. If he does, I will have to save more money to visit him there. As it is I already said I'd go to Singapore to watch Wu Zun and his Fahrenheit members in concert with my niece, Kelley, if they perform there. Thank God, I only have 5 nephews and 2 nieces. If not I will have to spend a lot more money going all over the world to visit them.
The above pictures show my nephew, James, in action. See he is a bundle of energy and is very attached to me. How can I not want to spend time with him?
P/S: I hope that visitors to this blog can help to promote my site to your friends so that they too can share in all the Chinese beliefs and feng shui tips that I am posting here. Thanx.

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