Wednesday 30 May 2007


When we say we have good Feng Shui it means that we get to enjoy better relationships, more money and greater happiness. But it does not stop there. To sustain this enviable framework, one still needs to cultivate a good heart and work on relationships to reap the rewards of Feng Shui.
One of the greatest ways that I am taught as a Taiost (with influences from Buddhism) to improve one’s luck is to perform acts of virtue such as performing good deeds like charity for the needy, donations to the poor. The understanding that the more we give the more we will receive, takes on a greater meaning. This is because when we selflessly try to help others positive energy is created. The good deeds that we do will after a while increase our luck. It is like earning merit points from the gods. I am sure this applies in all the major religions of the world.
The above is what I learnt about how to improve ones luck. However, my personal philosophy about doing charity differs slightly. I do charity because I really want to help those whom I feel need help and don't really expect anything from doing it.

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