Tuesday 27 May 2014


On Saturday I went back to the college library to get a bundle of test papers to mark.  Lai Yoong who was on an outing with me went with me.  While I went to retrieve my bundle, she took the opportunity to walk along the reflexology path.  She told me that walking on hot tiles are better than cold ones.
Anyway walking on such a reflexology or uneven path has health benefits.  It also applies to walking on cobblestone surfaces which are also uneven.
  According to a 2005 study published in the "Journal of the American Geriatrics Society," older adults who regularly walked on cobblestone surfaces displayed lower blood pressure readings than those who walked on regular surfaces or engaged in no physical activity.
The same study that found lower blood pressure among those who walked on cobblestones also noticed a significant improvement in overall mental and physical fitness. And foot reflexology Cobblestone walkways are a wonderful way to relieve tension and rebuild muscle in the body.

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