Tuesday 3 December 2013


The late Paul Walker

Up until a couple of days ago, I did not know who Paul Walker was.  How did I find out about this actor?  It was actually through news of his death in an automobile accident. Killed together with him was his friend who was the driver of the Porsche.  They had just left a function for charity.  He was famous for his role in "The Fast and Furious" that I never watched.  From what I read in the newspapers, this man was a good actor and also someone who was into charitable causes. His life was cut short at only 40.
In the newspapers were also the news about 3 young Malay girls found dead.  The girls, all sisters, aged 14, 12 and 3 went missing and their bodies were found in a paddy field.  All three were believed to have been murdered.  When I saw the children's mother crying in the news, I too couldn't hold back my tears as I empathized with her.  Here is a LINK to the story.
Yesterday Kamariah told me that she attended the funeral of her neighbour's daughter.  The girl was only 17.  She died from a medical condition known as Hydrocephalus which is classified as water in the brain.  I am not too sure about the exact details but it appears that she did manage to sit for her SPM examinations before undergoing brain surgery to remove the fluids.  Apparently she did not make it after the surgery.
We humans are really fragile beings, aren't we?  We don't really know when death will come knocking at our doors.  So what to do?  Make every moment and every second that we are alive count.

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