Saturday 21 September 2013


The book that I am currently reading is "Sun Tzu For Success".  This book is a takeoff from the book "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu which I read a few years ago.  
For those who have no inkling what the book is about, The Art of War 孫子兵法 is an ancient Chinese military treatise written by Sun Tzu 孫子 who was an advisor or consultant to a variety of warlords and emperors.  This man was said to be a brilliant strategist and tactician.  This book was originally inscribed on bamboo strips abopu 500 B.C. and is said to be the oldest book ever written.  The text is composed of 13 chapters, each of which is devoted to one aspect of warfare. Even to this day, this book has been read and referred to by strategist not only in the military but in many other fields as the wisdom contained in it is timeless.
I did not really enjoy reading the book but as it was full of military strategies and jargon.   I read it nonetheless as it was a classic and also to broaden my knowledge.  I just couldn't be reading books on herbs and Feng Shui only.
This latest interpretation into the ancient text deals with having to maximize ones ones abilities in certain areas to attain success for business and personal management. The first half of the book contains the complete translation of the Art of War.  Now this is sort of a refresher for me as I had forgotten most of what I had read some years back.  The second part deals with the art of success and the third is on the tactics for success.  Once again, I find this heavy reading and until now am only halfway through reading.  I guess I am not much into such strategies for war and business.
Anyway, what is marvellous is that even in this day and age, people are still drawing from the wisdom of Sun Tzu and interpreting his thoughts into action plans.  Now this is a timeless writer.

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