Tuesday 24 September 2013


The two storey semi-detached houses above are almost upon completion.  One obvious observation is that the gates have yet to be installed.
In Feng Shui gates are considered good as they provide a marker between your property and what belong to the government.  An attractive gates will make the house look good and give the impression of wealth, status and security.

Below are some Feng Shui principles for gates.

Feng Shui Principles For Gates

Gates should always be in proportion to the house and plot. Remember in Feng Shui the aim is always to create or maintain balance. If you have a small garden or short drive you do not want to have a pair of huge imposing gates as they will give the impression that the energy in the outside space is more important than the energy within the home. Equally a long drive needs more than a low, shallow gate.

An entranceway made up of two gates of equal size is much better than one which has twogates that are unequal in size. I see many homes which have one entranceway which is made up of a large vehicular access gate and a pedestrian side gate. This creates a sense of imbalance in your home and can have the added disadvantage of leading to a situation where the needs of one person in a relationship are less important than the needs of the other.

The ideal shape for a pair of gates is either rectangular or arched. These shapes are great for providing a lift in your financial fortunes. You do not want to have gates that slope downwards in the centre as this results in energy being dragged down.

Gates should open inwards, or if this is not possible, sideways. This allows energy to remain around your home. If gates open outwards visitors feel unwelcome and it can also prevent good energy from entering your home. Positioning gates solidly between a pair of pillars is excellent Feng Shui as it creates a sense of security around your home.

When installing gates think of the direction that they face before buying or painting them. If thegates face east or south wooden gates are best, whilst in the west and north metal gatesare more suitable. Once installed gates that face east should be painted in green or black, south facing gates red or white, west facing gates red or brown and gates in the north black or blue.

Recently Lai Yoong asked me this question, "If a house has no gate, will it affect the Feng Shui?"  This came about because there is a house in my area without a gate.  From what I know, it wouldn't be that auspicious but then I am not sure if it would be no good for the occupants.  Can anyone more knowledgeable about this matter offer some advice?

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