Friday 26 July 2013


 I love to eat the vegetarian  food served at the Kuan Yin Temple in Lumut when it hosts annual festivals as it is very delicious.  Actually I find it far more tastier than the ones that I buy.  The food is sponsored and so devotees who visit the temple are treated to a free meal.
 Here is a set of vegetarian food served for lunch today at the temple.  The ingredients for cooking the food is donated by well-wishers.  Those who cook, prepare the food, serve and do the cleaning up have volunteered their service for free.  To them serving the people is a way of doing good deeds.  It is also their way of paying homage to Kuan Yin whose compassion and mercy know no bounds.

 Lai Yoong is one of the volunteers helping out in the kitchen.  She has done this type of voluntary work for many years already.  Hmm ... when I retire I hope to able to volunteer as well.
 Here is Lai Yoong with another of her pal who are kitchen helpers during the 3-day festival.
 Lai Yoong grating sengkuang for tonight's meal.
The ladies here are cleaning the vegetables and also doing the washing up.

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