Thursday 13 June 2013


The 6 Feng Shui Lessons Men Can Teach Women
By Kathryn Weber

Muscles, strength and the ability to make things happen all represent yang energy

It’s a man’s world, or so the saying goes. And it’s true because the world is a busy place, full of go-go-go drive that requires lots of yang energy. Without yang energy we’d stay in bed all day and be too lethargic to get anything done.

Feng shui needs yang energy – we all need yang energy.

When feng shui was first practiced in its earliest days, it was a yin study. It was the assessment of gravesite burial locations selected specifically to give a family a long-lasting legacy. Then feng shui became a study for the living.

Today’s practice of feng shui is now decidedly yang.

This means that yang energy is the preferred energy in a home. While balance is an important concept in feng shui, the scales must be tipped a little more in the yang direction so that homes, businesses and offices are more energetic and grow.

When a living space is yin, the energy tends to grow in that direction. This causes all kinds of problems of loss – loss of health and relationships, loss of wealth and all physical vitality, which can lead to death in extreme cases.

Learning the importance and value of yang energy means that your home’s energies will be tipped in favor of the spirit of yang energy, helping your family thrive, your relationships fulfilling, health vibrant and wealth is abundant.

When life feels like it’s stuck, dull, or can’t move forward, this is the time when you want to employ a good healthy dose of yang energy. There are lots of ways to incorporate yang energy in your home, your life and even your personal outlook.

Here are 6 tips to get your mojo going again with a giant B-12 shot of yang energy.

1. Stop worrying, start acting.

Many times we think that worrying is productive. Just ruminating over things is the answer…eventually we’ll worry or think our way out of a negative situation. But that rarely works. Instead, we’ve often put off making a hard decision or taking decisive action, choosing to worry about things instead. Once you do make a decision or take action, you amazingly get out of that rut and life starts moving again.

2. Balance your yin with yang activity.

Feel unmotivated, dull and lethargic? It’s time to get off your yin backside and get some exercise and sun. Simply moving your body can clear the cobwebs out of your head and give you more energy too. The sun is another good example of yang energy. In feng shui, and the cosmos, the sun is yang and the moon is yin. Studies have shown that the more exposure people have to sunlight, the happier they are. In fact, the city of Honolulu was rated as one of the happiest cities in the US. Give yourself a good dose of Vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin, every day and watch your mood lighten up.

3. Energize the house.

Put on some fun music, then throw back your curtains, pitch out old, broken, and excess items, and ruthlessly dust and scrub. Cleaning and decluttering is a great way to get the chi moving in your house. Increase lighting and add plants. Landscaping is another wonderful way to improve your yang energy – and that raises the energy of the entire house, too! Get outside and plant some new flowers or shrubs and add a water feature. Remember: yang water is the best water…it adds wealth.

4. Value boisterousness.

So often kids are full of life and energy and instead of valuing it, we want to medicate them, shove a game in their hands and keep everything quiet. Go to a Starbucks now and you’ll see people tapping on cell phones and tablets “socializing” but there’s no talking going on. It’s not that way in Europe. Italians are laughing, talking and engaging with each other not a little glass screen. Laugh out loud, enjoy personalities, have fun! Don’t hide your personality by putting your lamp under a blanket – shine on!

5. Lighten up.

Lighting is one of the best ways to add extra yang energy to your home – and increase your good luck too. Lighting brings beautiful energy to wherever it’s added, so keep your home and office bright, and turn on the chandelier in the foyer and the dining room! Lighting is a great cure for all kinds of problems, too. Have a bathroom on the second floor above the front door? Keep your foyer light on. Need to sell your house quickly? Keep a light on at the front and back door to lift the energy of your home.

6. Value the 6 Star.

Wherever the 6 star falls, that’s the location of feng shui’s most heavenly energy. The 6 star brings powerful men, men at a distance, older men and those who can help you get ahead. These are often called “Heaven Men” and they represent the “who you know” kind of people who can help you gain influence. It’s also the energy that helps you with overseas travel and business. Manly energy is precious and valuable because, like men, it has muscle. Don’t be afraid of using your masculine energy – which can be used for making things happen, taking risks, laughing out loud, and getting things done! Adding moving metal in the northwest corner of the room, your office, or your home is a great way to stimulate more movement and help from mentors and influential people.


© Kathryn Weber. All rights reserved

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