Thursday 13 June 2013


The stairway leading up to the Quality Room of the college is not pleasing to the eye.  You can judge from the picture above.  When I am doing work at the herb garden, this is what I see and so I decided to do something about it.  Actually it was my friend, Baz, who suggested doing a mural on it to pretty it up and I agreed.  Before that I had to get permission from the college director to carry out the project.  When I told her about it, Puan Hajah Intan was more than pleased and gave us the thumbs up.
With the green light given by the boss herself, I asked Encik Mat from the Menasti Company to help clean the area with jets of water.
Actually he took action immediately after I asked for his help.  In less than half an hour of my request he had brought along the machine to do the work.
Below is the stairway after it had been cleaned.  
I will get my boys to whitewash it next week and then will start drawing the pictures of herbs for the mural once I had done the draft.  Actually I am really excited to see how the mural will turn up. Don't worry I will share the whole process with you in my blog.  So please come visit.

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