Thursday 13 June 2013


White candles, rice and incense sold at the temple store.

When I visited a Buddhist temple in South Korea, I noticed that white candles were used as offerings to Buddha instead of the red and yellow ones that we use here in Malaysia.
The daily offerings to Buddha in Korea include, evergreen, water and incense. The water is offered in a small water cup and placed in the altar. The evergreens used as offerings should remain green for at least a week, always fresh cut, and the water should be changed as often as needed so that the water remains fresh.
Incense should be the stick type that is available at the temple store. Incense should always be laid flat and burned from left to right. The incense is laid flat rather than standing up, so the ashes won't scatter signifying a scattered mind.  Only vegetarian food and fruits are used as offerings.
To find out more about offerings made click this LINK.

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