Wednesday 12 June 2013


The 5 Feng Shui Lessons of Lady Gaga

By Kathryn Weber

But whether you like her music or not, you can’t deny that Lady Gaga is an attention-grabber. From a feng shui perspective, Lady Gaga teaches us some important feng shui lessons.Not since Madonna has anyone caused a stir in the world of pop music like Lady Gaga has. And with a name like Lady Gaga, is it any wonder? Her name, a reference to the Queen song, “Radio Ga Ga,” is herself a controversy and is referred to in the media both as a ground breaking artist and a shock value put on.

Here are five that we can all learn from the pop sensation Lady Gaga.

1. The power of making your own luck.

There are times when your luck simply happens. You win a contest, a surprise phone call with a wonderful offer comes out of the blue. But most of the time the luck you receive is luck you’ve earned; it’s the luck of your efforts.

This is certainly true of Lady Gaga.

She knew what she wanted and with single minded determination she went for it, moving out of her parents’ house after high school to start her career in music. Don’t forget that while moving items in your home and adding feng shui elements is important the other portion of your luck is your efforts. Feng shui is there to support you, but you have to do your part too. Give yourself the benefit of single minded determination. I did that with my feng shui business and it’s created many more opportunities than if I just dabbled in feng shui or was half-hearted about it.

2. Lady Gaga moves the chi.

There is no doubt that Lady Gaga doesn’t let grass grow under her feet or let a look become stale. She is constantly in motion, energizing her look, her performances and her style. Too often we let ourselves fall into ruts in work, in our health or looks and in our lives. Feng shui likes fast work and works quickly when you do. Break up your ruts and start moving your chi in all areas of your life. You’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish when you just step into yourself!

3. She knows the power of color.

When Lady Gaga is in the news you never know what she’ll look like. There is no variation on a theme with her. She creates a mold and then obliterates it, going from shocking green or yellow hair to bright red lips. Whether she’s wearing meat or a dress made of bubbles, the singular color of the accent color is prominent. A single color has intense focus. Try wearing clothes one day that are completely blue or orange and see how it affects your outlook and your luck. Feeling really wild? Put a brightly colored strand in your hair and see how you feel.

4. To receive, embody the power of giving.

Although she’s known for her entertaining abilities, Lady Gaga has brought attention to causes ranging from gay teen bullying to the Japanese Tsunami victims. She makes an effort to help when she can and that builds her up. Do you have a cause you support? Align yourself with a cause. It’s good feng shui and it’s good karma.

5. She understands the power of reinvention.

Don’t like your job, your office, your car? Change it. You don’t have to endure your life. In fact, if you’re so unhappy that you feel like part of your life is a burden, understand that misery doesn’t live in a vacuum. Instead, that ripple of misery, like an oil spill, spreads out to other areas in your life coating it in a greasy unhappiness. Take a bold step, take a trip or a class you would never imagine doing. You can reinvent yourself. Lady Gaga does it on a daily basis, you can do it once every five or so years.

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