Monday 6 May 2013


World Against You? Feng Shui Protectors that Back You Up

There are times when it feels like you are thwarted at every turn, that unseen energy is preventing you from accomplishing what you want, or, when it’s really bad, that the world is against you. At times like these it’s helpful to have protectors to call upon. As a practice, feng shui should always be practiced with protection first and foremost and ahead of activation.

The simple truth is that there are seen and unseen energies – and both can carry negative intentions.

That’s why we need protectors.

Like the friend who comes to your aid from the grade school bully, feng shui can be called on for help. Best of all, feng shui offers a variety of protectors to choose from that can range from protecting from negative people to bodily harm or even business politicking.

Check out these protectors and see if there isn’t one that appeals to you and your situation.

Fans avert bad luck. Fans have been in use in China for thousands of years. Sandalwood fans are the most popular. Many fans have auspicious symbols and poetry painted on them. Carrying a fan is believed to keep away negative intentions. Many paintings depict court dignitaries holding fans as a way to create a shield of protection around them. Display in a home or office for protection.

Fu Dogs protect against killing chi. These wonderful pairs of Chinese symbols are always shown as a pair, with one male and one female. The male is always on the right and the female on the left, as you look at them. They provide protection from intangible forces and people with evil intentions. They are mythical animals, with the male holding a ball in his paw and the female with her paw on a cub. Place them high on a table at the entrance to your home or office for protection against negative types.

Kwan Kung, patron saint of police and wealth. One of the most beloved Chinese deities is the God of War, Kwan Kung. He is always shown carrying a spear and is a revered protector of police, politicians and business men. Everyone needs protectors, especially women, and for that reason, I place my Kwan Kung at my Southwest entrance to provide excellent protection for me, my home, and my family. The more fierce he looks, the greater his protection. He must always be displayed with his sword. To protect the man of the house, placeKwan Kung in the northwest corner for even greater heavenly assistance and protection. He is also a powerful protector as an amulet.

Personal security amulets. Carrying talismans and amulets on your person is a potent way to protect yourself from a variety of problems, ranging from theft to gossip to accidents and garden-variety bad luck. Amulets often carry special calligraphy or characters that give protection. I carry two amulets myself.

Coins, coin swords and tied coins. Chinese prosperity coins with a square hole are another way of creating protective influences. Placing three tied coins above the door to your office or shop helps to ensure wealth coming to you. Carrying coins in your pocket will protect you against negative influences — especially if you’re a feng shui consultant and spend a lot of time in other people’s homes. Coin swords are excellent protectors against malicious gossip at work. Put the coin sword behind you to stop detractors.

Fire sword. One of the most malicious forms of personal attacks comes in the form of gossip and hearsay. Arguments and harsh words are the foundation of lawsuits, legal tangles, bad reputations and social isolation. This is especially true wherever the annual 3 Star flies. Worse still, is the potential for libel and slander. Displaying a fire sword will stop negative talk and harmful, malicious gossip.

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