Friday 12 April 2013


Meeting new people is part and parcel of life.  There are people we meet once and never see again.  There are those whom we meet, become good friends and they stay with us for the rest of our lives.  Then there are those whom we meet, befriend and then have to bid goodbye but then meet again.
Such is the case of Zaemah and I.  We first met when I was teaching in a village school called, S.K. Seri Kinjang.  At that time I had already taught for about 2 years in the school and Zaemah was an attachment teacher.  She was my colleague for 2 years until she got accepted into Teacher's Training College and then we lost touch until she contacted me after getting my phone number from another colleague.  That was somewhere last year.
To my surprise, she attended the same workshop as I this week and we got to meet again.  Well, life is like that.  The Chinese say if we are fated to me, then we will.

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