Sunday 7 April 2013


When I first say the name of this plant I thought to myself, who would want to consume it as Galak Tua means encouraging aging in English.  Yikes!  Most of us are trying our utmost to look as young as possible and so it would be silly of us to eat something that makes us old.  But then when I looked at the benefits of the plant, I realised that it was Galak Tua in name only, for the true use of it is to help boost libido.

Here is some info of the plant.

Common name: Malay: Ubi kemili hutan, galak tua,
Scientific name: Stemona curtisii Hook.f
Uses: Among the natives the root has been claimed an effective aphrodisiac.

Stemona  tuberosa Lour. (Chinese: 百部 Bai Bu) is one of the 50 fundamental herbs used in traditional Chinese medicine. The Chinese name Bai Bu translates to mean “hundred parts” (so named because its roots are over one hundred in number). Its common names are Stemona root, sessile stemona root and Japanese stemona root. The roots are dug in spring or autumn. After the fibrous roots have been removed, the roots are cleaned and put into boiling water. Then they are dried in the sun and cut into pieces.
It is used to treat cough in common colds, whooping cough, lice of the head or body and tuberculosis and pinworm.


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