Sunday 6 January 2013


When I was in Taipei in December last year, I was able to dine at very unique restaurant that the tour guide brought my tour group to have lunch.  The restaurant is called Five Dime Driftwood Restaurant. The tour guide says that owner of the place gave it such an unusual name because when she was walking along the beach and found a five dime inserted in a driftwood. for your information, a great part of the restaurant is made up of driftwood! The owner’s artworks is also displayed inside the restaurant.The walls have graphic lines painted on them.
My tour guide, Jade said that the owner of the place has 18 white carps swimming in a pool in one of the floors of the restaurant.  It seems that her personal lucky colour is white and having the water element and the carps would boost wealth luck for her.
Check out the photos I took below.

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