Thursday 3 May 2012


One of my colleagues is suffering from a heart ailment and on advice from a traditional healer, she was hunting for the Kumquat as one of the ingredients for a cure.  Since it is not the Chinese New Year season, it is not easy to get kumquats.  
When I visited my sifu, I saw that he had two pots of kumquat plants in his compound.  When I asked if I could take some for my friend, he said that it was not advisable as the potted ones for the Chinese New Year would be sprayed with some chemicals.  However, the sifu told me that at his backyard there was a kumquat tree and it was not sprayed with insecticide.  In the above pictures, you can see the sifu's brother helping to pluck some of the fruits for me.
According to traditional Chinese medicine, kumquat helps eliminate phlegm and is a good remedy for a sore throat or a nagging cough. I also read from the internet that the kumquat helps to prevent rupture of blood vessels, reducing capillary permeability and brittle, alleviation of vascular sclerosis.
Kumquats are an excellent source of Vitamin C which can help to reduce the risk of suffering from influenza, fever, heart disease, osteo-arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and even stroke!

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