Wednesday 7 March 2012


I am sure that many of you out there would agree with me that RM50 nowadays won't buy you much.  Last Sunday, I brought RM50 to go marketing and came back with RM5.40 change having spent RM44.60.
Here is a list of what I bought.

RM10.00 for 4 multi-purpose hooks.
RM  8.00 for a pair of pruning shears.
RM  1.50 for 5 hooks.
RM  1.50 for the Sunday Star newspaper.
RM  4.00 for one bunch of bamboo for traditional healing
RM 10.00 meat floss for my dog
RM   7.40 fishballs and fishcakes
RM  1.90 for vegetables
RM  0.30 for serai

As I have said RM50 doesn't go a long way nowadays.

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