Saturday 19 November 2011


Feng Shui - Road hitting a house at an angle

In this case, there is a road running up to a house at an angle.

How will it affect you?

This will encourage money to drain away from the house. If the road is coming from the right-hand (or Tiger) side, the female occupants of the house will be accident-prone. If it is coming from the left-hand (or Dragon) side, the male occupants will be accident-prone
What can you do?

Try to re-position the door so that it opens away from or at an angle to the road running up to it. Alternatively, have a low fence or hedge with a gate as a barrier against the negative effects. Place a mirror on the outside wall of the house to deflect the negative energies.
Other Similar Cases

A house or apartment block built at the end of a long, straight road is subject to Sha Qi because of the force of the energy being funnelled down this direct, narrow route.

The Y-shaped road causes confusion for the occupants of this building. They may find it hard to make important family or business decisions. 

Destructive forces are focused at the sharp point where the road forms a V The negative energy that accumulates at this point could affect the health and relationships of those living nearby.

A mirror or other reflective object can be used to reflect back destructice energy; the mirror's energy will be enhanced if a small sword or spear (or model of one) is placed above it, pointing towards the road.
It will also help the site if there is a curved pathway leading to the building or control the flow of chi as well as ease the effect if begatuve forces. The front door could be screen while a porch, and a row of bushes or small trees will give added protection.


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