Sunday 20 November 2011


In Feng shui, the main thing to remember is to keep the toilet clean and tidy and in working order for all the fixtures, like sinks, flush and pipes. The second is keeping the door closed and toilet seat down. Keeping the bathroom door to prevent the bad qi from pervading your house.  This will make a big difference in the overall energy and atmosphere in your home.
Actually Feng Shui is really about common sense. In one article I read, the writer wrote "when you flush the toilet a mist is created. That mist is filled with bacteria. Studies have shown that the mist can travel several feet away every time you flush. So this means it reaches your toothbrushes, towels, shower curtains, every hard surface and probably you while you are still standing there - maybe looking down in the toilet. The toilet lid should be closed before flushing".  Link

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