Tuesday 22 November 2011


I received a box of Dragon Balls or Tambun Biscuits from Sue Lyn who had gone to Penang to attend a wedding during the weekend.  Now Tambun Biscuits or Tau Sar Pneah is one of the gifts tourists or visitors to Penang would buy back for their friends and relatives.  
I can understand why they are called Dragon Balls but what I can't figure out is why they are also known as Tambun Biscuits and not Penang Biscuits.  Is there another Tambun in Penang?  The Tambun here in Ipoh is famous for pomeloes.  Anyone out there can help clear my confusion?


ennie said...

yes, there is a tambun in penang, but famous for seafood.

Miss Cheah said...

Oh! Thanks