Thursday 1 September 2011


The Filial Couple: Chang Shih and Wife supplying fresh water and fish for his mother.

Chang Shih was a filial son who lived during China's Han Dynasty. He and his wife were both devoted to serving his aged mother. His mother did not like the water from the pond, but preferred river-water which was more than six miles from the family home. Chang Shih and his wife took turns to travel the distance every day with bucket in hand to carry back the fresh river-water for the old lady.

Chang Shih's mother also enjoyed eating fresh fish. To please the old lady, both husband and wife would bring back fresh fish from the river as well, and then cook it the way she liked it.

The couple carried on with this task for many years without a single complaint.  One day they found a spring behind the house, and the water tasted just like running river-water.   At the same time, two carps would leap out of the spring each day, as if waiting for Chang Shih's wife to catch them for the meal. They had touched the hearts of the Deities who rewarded them in such a way.
A verse in his honor says:
The son delights in his filial regard;
The daughter, too, finds service not too hard;
Every morning carp came leaping out
Of the sweet-dew spring in their back yard.

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