Wednesday 14 September 2011


As far as weddings goes, the norm here in Malaysia is to use some expensive cars that goes with the occasion.  Occasionally, you'll have people opting to use the bullock cart and a horse drawn carriage.  

I read of a bride in England who decided to take the bus to church as a cost saving measure and also for the novelty of it. 

Here is the story ...


Bride goes to church on a bus

Eve Lewis on the bus with her father Ceri Lewis and bridesmaids (Pic: SWNS).
Eve Lewis on the bus with her father Ceri Lewis and bridesmaids (Pic: SWNS).
Bride Eve Lewis made sure she got to the church on time – by catching the No 57 from outside her house.
The 25-year-old student nurse, who was wearing her wedding gown and veil, got a big smile from the driver of the double decker as she paid for her ticket.
Passengers looked on stunned as bridesmaids Kim Jones, 25, Fiona Bicket, 25, Kelly Prichard, 25, and sisters Patsy, 20, and Megan Lewis, 21, then got on and sat down.
Even the father of the bride, Royal Marine Ceri, 53, hopped on board in full military uniform, including his ceremonial sword.
But it seems groom Michael Moulton-Brady, 25, had taken some persuading about her unusual wedding transport.
Eve, from Exmouth, Devon, explained Monday: “Hiring a car was expensive – £200 to go less than a mile up the road. So I thought, ‘Why not get the bus?’
“Mikey was cringing. He thinks everybody will think we’re tight. I told him it’s not about the money. It’s about the fun side and having something to tell our grandkids. He saw the funny side in the end.”
After a reception at the Royal Marines Lympstone Training Camp, the honeymooners went to Marrakech – by plane. -

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